
NOTE: We use @smui/common to forward events to our components, it works similarly to the the Svelte syntax apart from one important difference: for adding event modifiers the | should be replaced by $ i.e. on:click|preventDefault becomes on:click$preventDefault. For information on this refer this issue.


Component Props

  • label?: optional, will take root label if not provided

Slot Props

  • open: If the combobox is open

Element Type <button>


Component Props

Element Type <input>


Component Props

  • onSelectItem(id: string)?: Callback for when an item is selected
  • value?: Value of the item, select-kit uses this to perform filtering. If not provided innerText is used.
  • id: required Unique id of the item

Slot Props:

  • isSelected: If the item is selected
  • isActive: If the item is active

You may want to use the above props for styling however select-kit also adds HTML attributes to the div element (not the slot element) if you want to style it that way:

  • aria-selected: “true” value indicates the item is selected
  • data-active: “true” value indicates the item is active

Element Type <div>


Component Props:

  • open?: Passing this prop will make it a controlled prop, select-kit will update the values automatically
  • shouldFilter?: If you want select-kit to perform filtering
  • label?: Label of the listbox, will use root label if not provided
  • selectOnly: Set this if you are building a select only component (see example)

Slot Props:

  • open: If the listbox is open

Element Type <div>


Component Props:

  • label: Label of the combobox

Slot Props:

  • query: Input value
  • open: If the listbox should be open
  • active: Active item ID
  • selected: Selected item id

Element Type <div>


Slot Props:

  • selected: Selected item id

Element Type <div>


Element Type <div>


Element Type <div>